orh mans,didnt know the NA **** incident sparked off so badly that junrong was rumoured to be fighting with jiayi in class,jiayi tore junrong's shirt with his bare hands,and in response jiayi was not given a good time by junrong,he tossed jiayi over the table and strangled him with the projector wire.thats was exaggeration and imagination running through my mind.but junrong became so pissed with the shit we were suanning him about.heh heh.he FINALLY blew up!-pat pat junrong's hair- dont be angry with jiayi and us la.lets shake hands and be good friends again,and on a serious note,if u two really toss one another over the tables,i dont fren u all alredy! -pouts- MUAHAHA (:
emoemoemokid infect me ; 7:47 AM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
alright,blog has been rotting all these while!yup,so i shd gladly and be optimistic and hope for mum to be more lenient with me-PLEASE LET ME USE THE COMPUTER! but anyway im drifting away from being a computer addict,now i read NEWSPAPERS every day,and i hope i hope i hope my english will become so POWERFUL and FORMIDABLE! (: craps,anyway really very enthu about trainings nowadays.it just feels so different now,now i usually play on the starting five side cox darren's not here,though i know i feel im not in the first 5 calibre,i feel very comfortable,everyones giving me chance to learn now,to learn for the better,and not to exclude nico's bashing and scolding,its okay,i can take e pressure and hope this would aid me in handling the pressured situation during nationals a division.i trust that scenario will be much more tensing than trainings in school,everyone will be staring and peeking at how we will play,or maybe oh wells,most girls will peep at yuhao and see exactly how handsome he will be,i dont know,but sumthings for sure,i wanna play like my usual self and not let anyone down,and not squander this chance at my footstep,members have left and the atmosphere's just not right.i miss all of you,the times we noobs compared to the main five worked so hard in trying to prove ourselves,i guess those are the moments i cant bear to let go.dropped and quit.somehow i tink i have gone thru all this last year,and that made me motivated for this year,i dun wanna waste one more year of my youth,my 18,my chance to take myself to the test.last year i made a foolish mistake,and yes,coach gave up on me,and there i came fighting for my place this year,i hope you understand what i mean.its difficult all this while,but if you keep hanging there,you will find your way out some day (: